Monday, March 8, 2010

The Strip

On our way to Las Vegas, we stopped to see the London Bridge in Lake Havasu, and spent a night in Bull Head City, AZ with old friends. Both areas were nicer than we expected, but get too hot in the summer.

We stayed at a super RV resort just south of the strip in Las Vegas, that has a bar, restaurant, two gorgeous pools, spa, and all the amenities. Our RV was nestled in among date palms, which felt great. We were surprised at the size of Las Vegas. It seems to go on forever in each direction.

The strip is a very odd place. Buildings that are made to look like New York, Venice, and Egypt are nestled among modern skyscrapers. Nothing feels real and the streets are filled with people taking pictures and carrying enormous glasses of alcohol or beer. It’s a Disneyland for adults, but we were amazed at the number of small children in strollers. Street hawkers try to get you to sign up for tours, or take their cards for “Women who want to meet you”. We walked through several casinos and played a little, but the cigarette and cigar smoke was thick. You can find every food imaginable but the prices are high.

Mary had a hard time with the strip. The cost of the buildings and illusions were astronomical and so much money was being wasted playing games and slot machines. It’s a town of excess. If all the money spent in Las Vegas was put to a good cause, we wouldn’t have any homeless or hungry people in America. We did manage to do our taxes here and it’s so good to have that done.

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